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Monday 10 March 2014

Pray For MH370..

Assalamualaikum korang,
Apa kaba semua? Moga korang sentiasa di bawah lindungan dan dirahmati olehNya. in shaa Allah.

I think everyone in Malaysia but throughout the world are being told about the mysterious disappearance of a MAS flight MH370. Lots of speculation on social networking sites. Most of twitter. You all type # PrayForMH370.Banyak gila spekulasi yang orang-orang bijak pandai sangat ni ulaskan.

For them maybe this is a fun thing. But at least think for feelings of family members of victims. Of course they are sad and worried. Yang paling gua geram, buat spekulasi mengarut, boleh hashtag pulak !! Bila hashtag, confirm lah satu dunia yang baca. Spekulasi yang dibuat semuanya dari negara kita. Tak malu ke korang bila rakyat negara lain baca? Ermmm.. Masing-masing sudah dewasa sudah boleh fikir. 

So bak kata Nabil.. Lu Pikirlah Sendiri..

We should be equally pray that the victims will be safely returned.

In shaa Allah.  

Kerja Allah tiada apa yang mustahil..
Kun Faya Kun

Continue to pray for MH370 ..

May the miracle to happen .. In shaa Allah ..


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